Birthday cards with a new purpose

Friday, January 29, 2010

This is a little idea that I totally "borrowed" from a friend of my mothers. I gather up all the birthday cards that my kids receive each year and make them their own custom placemat. I figure out the main placement of pieces and then get the kids to embellish at will with stickers and what-not for the finishing touch. Then, it's off to the local copy place for a quick lamination for protection from drips and spills.

I now have an archive of placemats that bring back all kinds of memories of birthdays gone by - and they take up very little space. The kids will pull out old versions every once in a while and can miraculously recall who gave them certain cards and of course announce which were their favourites. When they were younger, it also gave them something to look at and kept them occupied while at the table.

Happy memory making!


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