Monday is a good day to clean...

Monday, May 17, 2010

With Pillowcases

Dust ceiling fan blades
Grab an old pillowcase and place it over one of the ceiling fan blades. Slowly pull off the pillowcase. The blades get dusted and the dust bunnies stay in the pillowcase, instead of parachuting to the floor.

Cover a baby's changing table
Instead of buying expensive changing table covers, just pick up a few cheap white pillowcases and cover the changing table pad. When one is soiled, just slip it off and replace with a clean one.

Protect clothing hanging in a closet
You've just laundered a favourite dress or skirt and you know you won't be wearing it again for a while. To protect the garment, cut a hole in the top of an old pillowcase and slip it over the hanger and clothing.

Keep matching sheets together
Solve this host nightmare. File away your newly laundered and folded sheets in their matching pillowcase before putting them in the closet.

Use as a traveling laundry bag
When you travel, you always want to keep your dirty laundry separate from your clean clothes Stick a pillowcase in your suitcase and toss in the dirty laundry as it accumulates. When you get home, just empty the pillowcase into the washer and throw in the pillowcase as well.

Machine wash stuffed animals
Place stuffed animals in a pillowcase and put them in the washer. The pillowcase will ensure they get a gentle but thorough wash. If any parts fall off the stuffed animals, they'll be caught in the pillowcase so you can reattach them after their washing machine bath.


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