Monday is a good day to clean...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

With rubber bands

Reshape your broom
If the bristles of your broom have become splayed with use, just wrap a rubber band around the bristles a few inches from the bottom. Leave for a day or so to get the bristles back in line.

Wipe your paintbrush
Avoid a mess around the rim of your paint can by wrapping a rubber band around the can from top to bottom, going across the middle of the can opening. Now, when you fill your brush, you can just tap it against the rubber band and the excess paint will fall back into the can.

Anchor your cutting board
Cutting board sliding across the counter? Give it some traction by putting a rubber band around each end.

Extend a button
Having trouble breathing? Maybe that top shirt button is a tad too tight. Stick a small rubber band through the buttonhole, then loop the ends over the button. Put on your tie and breathe easy.

Gauge your liquids
Not sure how much paint is left in that can up on the shelf? Snap a band around the liquid containers in your workshop to indicate how much is left and you'll always know at a glance.


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