I've made several of these Santas over the years, no two the same. I've made a "Millenium Santa" for friends that were getting married that New Year's Eve. I'm made a "Backwoods Santa" complete with brown felt and snow shoes. My parents possess the "First Edition Santa" where hopefully I worked out all the kinks. He's in their favourite colour, blue and proudly sits in their living room all year 'round.
Each version is personalized for the individual they're going to. The one pictured here was for my mother-in-law and co-ordinates with her favourite colours in her decor. The Santa sack has treasures picked just for her including a miniature copy of our wedding picture and a pin from PEI. Her maiden name was Murphy and her husband used to call her "smurf".
I enjoy making my little santas (they're each about 18" tall) – each has his own personality. I'm in the process of researching what is involved in selling them and what would be the best venue for it (and if I have the time). A crafting market will probably be the place to start. I thought February would be a better time to think about all this than in November when it's Christmas Chaos!
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